How Does Radiation Affect Breast Reconstruction Results?
Some women opt for delayed breast reconstruction to ensure they’re cancer-free and recovered from surgery before having breast reconstruction. Others decide to get their breasts rebuilt immediately to feel more like themselves. You must know about these downsides if you’re in the latter group and are still receiving radiation treatments.
Tightened Skin Around the Implant
Receiving radiation treatments can affect the flap of tissue around the breast and the skin. It can feel like your skin is pulled far too tightly over the implant, leaving you uncomfortable. Fat injecting or grafting can alleviate the discomfort, but is usually somewhat temporary.
Slower Healing
Another risk of radiation and breast reconstruction is reduced healing times. Radiation therapy prevents surgery wounds from healing quickly, making your infection risk higher.
Capsular Contracture
Breasts that are exposed to radiation after receiving reconstructive surgery are likelier to sit up on the chest and have a firmer feel. Some women may not mind this, but for others, it’s unnatural and not what they want.
Even if you like the look of your new breasts with radiation, you’re still at risk of capsular contracture and/or implant scar tissue that hardens and squeezes around the implant.
What If Only One Breast Receives Radiation? What Happens?
If you were diagnosed with breast cancer in only one breast, you will likely only get radiation on one side. The above side effects could still emerge, causing your breasts to look noticeably uneven.
Schedule a Consultation with The Breast Center at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery
Deciding when to get a breast reconstruction is a tricky choice, but it’s best to wait until after radiation therapy. Get on the road to a healthier you at The Breast Center at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery. Use the online contact form or call 303-706-1100.